Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Movie Reviews: Brave & Ted

Ryan and I did something we had never done before, we did a little mini movie marathon at Studio Movie Grill. We saw Brave and then Ted. I can tell you we saw these in the right order. Brave was a bit boring and Ted really rounded out the night by being totally hilarious. Anyway, on to the reviews.

Brave was a movie that I was really excited to see. I have always been a Pixar fan. Who hasn't? It seemed like a kick-ass chick kinda movie so I was in. Too bad this movie was all about a queen being turned into a bear by and evil witch and spending the whole movie trying to break the curse so that she didn't turn into a bear forever. Come on Pixar! Where is the originality in that? The movie was trite and boring, and it hinted at the Lion King father/son relationship that bothered me so much about that movie. Anyway, if the movie had turned out to be what the trailers portrayed it as, I would have loved this movie. Mom turns into a bear and daughter must break the curse before mom becomes a bear forever? I hated it. I will not see this movie again and give it a 4 out of 10, just because of the animation quality and a few good jokes. 

That brings me to Ted. This movie was freaking awesome! I can't really even begin to explain why. It was raunchy, funny, and over the top. I loved every second of it. Seth MacFarlane can do no wrong though, although I am a bit tired of Family Guy at this point. Anyway, teddy bear that comes alive and is the lifelong friend of its owner, genius. I could watch this movie over and over again, and I probably will. See Ted. Period.

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