Thursday, August 4, 2011

Another 30 Day Challenge: Day 4

Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for.

This is actually an easier question that I thought it would be when I first read it. I originally thought I would have to mire back through everything bad that someone has done to me in my life. While I think that a lot less bad things have happened to me than most, I didn't want to re-live anything negative. Now, here's where the great news comes in. I don't have to. Reason? Anyone in my life who has done something negative to me or towards me, I've already forgiven them if they deserved forgiveness. I am quick to forgive. I don't like to hold grudges because it just works to continue to make me feel bad, so what is the point? Now, that isn't to say that I have forgiven everyone for everything ever. Some people don't deserve my forgiveness either because they continue to be a problem or because they, by there actions, they don't want forgiveness. Now this doesn't mean I haven't resolved these problems with myself. I have. But there is a difference between letting go and forgiving.

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