Sunday, February 16, 2014

First Solid Food: Avocado

So, I held out as long as I could. I never wanted to introduce solid food this early. I planned on waiting until Grayson was at least 6 months, or older if possible. But, munchkin just wasn't satiated by breast milk alone anymore and he is sprouting teeth right and left. All signs to me that he is hungry and needs more food. So, we start with Avocado. Man, could he just stop growing now please! Where has my little baby gone?

Seeing as how he is feeding himself, I guess maybe we made the right decision.

Friday, February 7, 2014

First Teeth Brushing

Grayson has had teeth for a little while now. He got his first tooth when he was only a little over four months old. They are just now erupted enough to start brushing. He isn't quite sure about this teeth brushing thing. He thinks it is hilarious to watch others brush their teeth, but he doesn't have it quite figured out for himself yet.