This past weekend Ryan, Ryan's sister Laurel and I all piled in the car and headed for Austin. We decided to stay in Austin, two hours away from Kerrville and then drive in on Monday morning for the funeral. The main reason we wanted to stay in Austin is so that we could stay at Barton Creek, a ClubCorp property. When we got to the resort, only one room was ready, so Ryan and I decided to go look around the resort. We ended up finding a large chessboard and decided to play. Ryan won, of course, but it was a lot of fun!

After going back up to our room, the sun was just setting, so Ryan and I pulled up a chair to watch. It was so nice to be able to see for miles, unlike when we're in the city.

Another great part about staying in Austin was that we got to visit our friends Mike and Amanda. I can't even begin to describe how great it was to see them. We didn't get the chance to hang out with them much when they were living in Dallas, but now that we can't just pop over and see them, I miss them! We went to County Line for dinner, which was some great BBQ and a lot of fun!
The next day we went to Ryan's Grandmother's funeral and got to see a lot of his family. We also got the chance to have lunch with most of them and catch up. It was nice to have everyone in the same room since the last time we saw most everyone was at our wedding almost a year ago.

We didn't want to take more than one day off of work, so as soon as lunch with the family was over, we decided to head back to Dallas. Along the way we stopped at the infamous Czech Stop for some Kolaches. As you can see below, they were AMAZING!

Although it was sad to have to go to a funeral, we did have a good trip down to Austin, to Kerrville and back.